Stuff I buy

So…yea…this is an expensive hobby…

Back when I was a kid I'd buy a 1/48 scale Monogram Mustang for $5, a tube of testors glue for .25¢ and so on (old guy rant), build it over a weekend and start again the next week.

I stopped model building in HS and like a lot of us in the Back to the Future, we started up again when we got old. So I waded back in after a 40 year walk through the proverbial desert and oh my…times have changed. In the four years since I'll bet I've spent 5K or more so I figure in this world of everyone wants to tell you how to live your life, I could at least post some stuff about the things I buy (because it really is all about me).

After four years back to the hobby I dropped some coin on a Harder and Steenbeck infinity (3 in 1). I’m going to use it on a 1/32 Kotare Spitfire’s camouflage for my first try with it. I’ve used a .4 iwata for years on everything so this will be interesting. I picked up some Flory clay-based wash as I’ve used his products since I started back. It’s an easy way to weather your model and fix mistakes. As a clay-based medium you can just use water to remove any mistakes (before a clear coat of course). There are some 1manarmy stencils in there…they’re very, very good at doing the small little warnings you see on the outside of military machinery. The HGW seatbelts are for the Kotare Spitfire…as far as my money goes…these are the best seatbelts for WW2-based model planes you can purchase. There are some airbrush supplies and some Tamiya paints in there as well.

Wes Shull1 Comment